
Minor exhibition

Small objects made of natures materials. Easy to empty and fill in new treasures from afar or from the evening walk ..

1: Birch bark - local forest.
2/9/20: Turned woodboxes - crafters shop, Sweden.
3: Porphyr stone - West Coast, Denmark.
4: Cones - Sweden.
5: Cone - Northern Portugal.
6: Weed ducks - made by my father, local fjord.
7/14: Turned woodtops - market at local Viking Ship Museum.
8/13: Birch bark stars - Granit shop, Sweden.
10/23: Sea shells - local fjord.
11: Star anise - local supermarket.
12: Glass - shaped by sand and sea, Bretagne, France.
15: Fossil - Gotland, Sweden.
16: Twig with reindeer lichen - Sweden.
17: Willow with catkins - very local :o)
18/22/24: Stone and sea shells - Wales.
19/21: Sea shells and porphyr stone - Bretagne, France.

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